I attended the artist lecture for Carol Aronson – Shore today. About 20 people showed up to the lecture which was given by Kimberly Alexander. I was surprised to find out that the actual artist wasn't giving the lecture even though she was there. Kimberly Alexander is the curator of the Strawberry Banke Museum, which is a preserved 10 acre village. After learning that Aronson-Shore's exhibit wascomprised of all paintings of Strawberry Banke I reasoned that if the artist herself wasn't going to be giving the talk, the museums' curator was the next big thing.
Aronson-Shore's work filled the bottom level of the Art Museum in the PCAC. All of her work had beautiful bursts of color that were pleasing to the eye. One thing Alexander pointed out in the lecture was that the careful viewer was rewarded with detail. I found this statement particularly interesting because at first glance I found the pictures to be a bit static and unrealistic. However, upon closer examination I found much more detail than I had originally. It was clear that Alexander is a huge fan of Aronson-Shore's work, she did a good job of pointing out the detail and simple beauty in each piece.
From my early memories of visiting Strawberry Banke as a child I remember going through the entrance and it was like you completely left the present world behind. I felt I had gone back in time to the 19th century. Each and every building told a story and had so much character. Of course the vibrant colors and landscape was very beautiful, but I found more pleasure in the stories and characters of all the old homes and buildings. My own critique of Aronson-Shore's work is that although she captured the beauty of Strawberry Banke, her pictures don't convey the stories behind the buildings.
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